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Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Prominent Features

The Department has been accredited two times by NBA in FEB-2009 and in JULY-2014. The state of the art equipment in all the laboratories meeting the requirements of JNTU & AICTE Norms, some sophisticated equipment and software’s has been procured to facilitate the students give skills beyond the syllabus under TEQIP-II.


The department of EEE was established in 2002 with an intake of 60 students in the UG programme and the intake was increased to 90 in the year 2009 and upgraded to 120 in the year 2014.
The department has highly qualified and experienced faculty with Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors. The department has good infrastructure facilitates and is equipped with full-fledged laboratories. The department has Digital classrooms equipped with interactive digital flip board and also has audio-visual facilities with LCD projectors for effective teaching. The staff members are deputed to participate in workshops, conferences, and refresher courses to keep in pace with recent developments in the field of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. The departmental Library which caters to the needs of the students & staff. The institute has an ISTE Faculty Chapter and the faculties of our department who are members of ISTE actively participate in the various activities of ISTE. The department has established the department Association named ELAN.
As a part of the curriculum, Industrial visits are arranged for students of III B.Tech. Students of our department are encouraged to participate in National-level Student Paper Presentation Contests being organized at various engineering colleges and universities. Most of them have been awarded in these paper presentation contests. The department has been organizing National-level Technical Paper Presentation under the banner of SMARTECH every year.


B.Tech (EEE)
Intake – 120

Core Competencies

  • Smart Grids
  • Advanced Power Electronics
  • Special electrical machines
  • Flexible AC Transmission system
  • Power Quality problems



Head of the Department

Dr. S. Chandra Shekar

Dr. S. Chandra Shekar

M.Tech., Ph.D, MISTE

S. Chandra Shekar received his B.Tech Degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from RVR&JC college of Engineering; guntur in 2001, M.Tech (High Voltage Engineering) degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from University College of Engineering, JNTU, Kakinada in 2004 and Ph.D Degree from K L Uiversity in March 2022. Presently he is working as Associate Professor and Head of the Department of EEE. He has publications in Fifteen international journals. He presented a paper on MICRO GRID FAULT ANALYSIS in “WSEAS International conference” at INDONESIA on 7, 8, 9 MAY 2016. He is guiding both undergraduate and post graduate student projects. His area of interest includes Micro Grids, High voltage transmission and Power Systems.
Faculty Members
Supporting Staff

Outcome Based Education

PEO1: To prepare students to excel in technical profession/industry and/or higher education by acquiring knowledge in mathematics, science and engineering principles.

PEO2: Able to formulate, analyze, design and create novel products and solutions to electrical and electronics engineering problems those are economically feasible and socially acceptable.

PEO3: Able to adopt multi-disciplinary environments, leadership qualities, effective communication, professional ethics and lifelong learning process.

PSO1: An ability to demonstrate the knowledge, skill to analyze the cause and effects on electrical system, processes and systems.

PSO2: Apply the appropriate techniques and modern engineering hardware and software tools in electrical engineering to engage in life-long learning and to successfully adapt in multi-disciplinary environments.

PSO3: Aware of the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal, environmental context, professional ethics and be able to communicate effectively.


PO 1: An ability to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals.

PO 2: An ability to conduct Investigations using design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data to arrive at valid conclusions.

PO 3: An ability to design Electrical and Electronics Engineering components and processes within economic, environmental, ethical and manufacturability constraints.

PO 4: An ability to function effectively in multidisciplinary teams.

PO 5: An ability to identify, formulate, analyze and solve Electrical and Electronics Engineering problems.

PO 6: An ability to understand professional, ethical and social responsibility.

PO 7: An ability to communicate effectively through written reports or oral presentations.

PO 8:The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.

PO 9:: An ability to recognize the need and to engage in independent and life-long learning.

PO 10: Knowledge on contemporary issues.

PO 11: An ability to use the appropriate techniques and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Long Term Goals:

  • To start Ph.D programs by getting recognition as centre for research.
  • To forge strong alliances with MNCs in India for R&D in thrust areas.
  • To develop technology incubators at department level.

Short Term Goals:

  • To get an accreditation status.
  • To improve the students academic performance to 100%.
  • To achieve 100% campus placements.
  • To ensure faculty and staff development for effective teaching learning process.


Impart futuristic technical education and instill high patterns of discipline through our dedicated staff, who shall set global standards, making our students technologically superior and ethically strong, who in turn shall improve the quality of life of the human race.


To Impart Quality higher education and to undertake research and extension with emphasis on application and innovation that cater to the emerging societal needs of students of all sections enabling them to be globally competitive and socially responsible citizens with intrinsic values.

Quality Policy

To develop highly skilled human resources with the ability to adapt to an intellectually and technologically changing environment with the participative efforts of the management, staff, students and parents.



ICT Facility

Information Communication Technology (ICT) has the potential to transform the nature and process of teaching and learning environment / culture. Interactivity, flexibility, and convenience in an ICT supported environment enable both teachers and students to access and share ideas and information in diverse communication styles and formats. Class rooms are equipped with smart boards & LCD projectors to enhance ICT enabled teaching and learning.

Benefits with ICT enabled teaching:

  • Improves student-teacher collaboration and interaction
  • Encourages teachers to teach in real-time with audio and video lessons, visual multimedia & PPT presentations, 2D & 3D virtual space, etc.
  • Paperless advantages
  • Enhances Real-time blended teaching and learning methods
  • Creates Web and Internet-based teaching and learning platform for teacher and students respectively
  • Facilitates mobile integration facility.
  • The implementation of ICT in OBE can effectively accomplish the goals of quality education which is a process that reduces consumption of resources and increases learning outcomes.

Department Library

The Department Library occupies a unique place in academic and research activities of the Department. The Library maintains an excellent collection of data books, occasional papers and other documents/materials. The Library has a well equipped facility for reading. It also has one copy each of all B.Tech n & M.Tech projects carried out in the department in recent years. All these cater to the needs of students and faculty. Most of the books are of recent edition with the facility of issuing these for a specified time period. The library serves to provide a calm and comfortable ambience conductive to long hours of study. The library opens on all working days of the Institute from 9 AM to 4:30 PM.

Wi-Fi facility

The entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled with high speed internet connection to allow the students to access the internet no-matter wherever they are. The coverage is not just limited to the classrooms; instead it extends to all the facilities within the campus premises. Staff and Students can utilize the Wi-Fi Facility by registering their devices for the active usage of the facility.



Every year national level technical fest named VID-YOUTH is conducted in the II semester. The number of participants is around 300-400 from various colleges.


Faculty Achievements
  • Dr.J.Srinivasarao was awarded a Ph.D degree from KL University.
  • Dr. SK.Abdul Pasha was awarded a Ph.D degree from Andhra University.
  • Dr. S. Chandra Sekhar was awarded a Ph.D degree from KL University.
  • Mr.J Srinivasarao published a patent publication – Title of Invention: 49-Level Cross switched Cascade Multilevel Inverter
  • Vinaya Sagar Kommukuriis a reviewer for esteemed journals like IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, International Journal of Ambient Energy and International Journal of Electronics.
  • S. Chandra sekhar presented a paper on MICRO GRID FAULT ANALYSIS in “WSEAS International conference” at INDONESIA on 7, 8, 9 MAY 2016.
  • J. Srinivas Rao has delivered a lecture in “EMERGE 2K16” a one day national level workshop on “MATLAB” at Dr SAMUEL GEORGE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, MARKAPUR on 17-03-2016.
  • J. Srinivas Rao has delivered a lecture on “ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS” in faculty development programme at anurag group of institutions, Hyderabad on 19 July 2014.
  • K. Sravan kumar worked as a Research project associate in CPRI, UHVRL Hyderabad.
  • Department faculty upgraded their knowledge by online courses platforms like coursera, NPTEL.
Student Achievements
  • UDAY THOTA qualified in GATE-2019 conducted by IIT-Madras.
  • Saikiran qualified in GATE-2019 conducted by IIT-Roorkee.
  • Bhagyasri qualified in GATE-2019 conducted by IIT-Roorkee.
  • NAVEEN qualified in GATE-2018 conducted by IIT-Guwahithi.
  • S SANJEEVA REDDY selected as a Young Achiever Scholarship organized by INTERNSHALA,Delhi.
  • Adeeba samreen got first prize in “KILL CANCER” program organized by ISKON, Kukatpally.
  • Adeeba samreen ,Sai chandana got first in QUIZ Competition organized by SBIT,Khammam.
  • Srinag, D.Jagadeesh got first prize in DANCE Competition organized by NNS at Anurag Group of Institutions,Hyderabad.
  • Phani Pradeep got first prize in Essay Writing Competition organized by NNS at Anurag Group of Institutions,Hyderabad.
  • Vijay bharadwaj Reddy got first prize in Elocution Competition organized by NNS at Anurag Group of Institutions,Hyderabad.
  • Usha got first prize in Elocution Competition organized by NNS at Anurag Group of Institutions,Hyderabad.
  • Karishma got second prize in Singing Competition organized by NNS at Anurag Group of Institutions,Hyderabad.
  • Sucharitha, B.Bindhu,P.Mounica got first prize in Dance Competition organized by NNS at Anurag Group of Institutions,Hyderabad.
  • Ravindra awarded as a Best player in ‘State level Inter-college Tournament’ organized by Anurag Group of Institutions.
  • Ravindra awarded as a Best Rider in ‘State level sports meet-2018’ conducted by Mahaveer Group of Institutions.
  • Gopi Krishna selected for JNTUH Kabaddi Team for South Zone interuniversity for two years.
  • Ravi selected for JNTUH Kabaddi Team for  South Zone interuniversity for one year.

Professional Bodies

  • Indian Society for Technical Education



Teaching & Learning

Innovative Teaching Techniques

Teaching is an art and science. Teaching is a process of imparting knowledge and skills. It is a systematic process based on some educational objectives to communicate.

The following innovative teaching methods are being adopted:

Interactive Learning
Interactive learning is a hands-on, real-world approach to education. ‘Interactive learning actively engages the students in wrestling with the material. It reinvigorates the classroom for both students and faculty. Lectures are changed into discussions, and students and teachers become partners in the journey of knowledge acquisition.’

Interactive learning can take many different forms. Students strengthen their critical thinking and problem-solving skills using a much more holistic approach to learning. Interactive learning can take place across the curriculum with technology.

Collaborative Learning

“Collaborative learning is an umbrella term for a variety of educational approaches involving joint intellectual effort by students, or students and teachers together. Usually students are working in groups of two or more, mutually searching for understanding, solutions or meanings, or creating a product. 

Collaborative learning activities vary widely, but most center on students’ exploration or application of the course material, not simply the teacher’s presentation or explication of it”.

Why use cooperative learning?   To..

  • promote student learning and academic achievement
  • enhance student satisfaction with their learning experience
  • help students develop skills in oral communication
  • develop students skills
  • promote student self-esteem

5 Elements of cooperative learning

  1. Positive interdependence
  2. Face-to-face interaction
  3. Individual and group accountability
  4. Interpersonal and small group skills
  5. Group processing
Flipped Classroom

A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom. In a flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research at home and engage in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor.

The flipped classroom intentionally shifts instruction to a learner-centered model in which class time explores topics in greater depth and creates meaningful learning opportunities, while educational technologies such as online videos are used to ‘deliver content’ outside of the classroom. In a flipped classroom, ‘content delivery’ may take a variety of forms.


Think-Pair-Share (TPS) is a collaborative learning strategy in which students work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. This technique requires students to (1) think individually about a topic or answer to a question; and (2) share ideas with classmates. Discussing an answer with a partner serves to maximize participation, focus attention and engage students in comprehending the reading material.


  • The Think-Pair-Share strategy is a versatile and simple technique for improving students’ reading comprehension.
  • It gives students time to think about an answer and activates prior knowledge.
  • TPS enhances students’ oral communication skills as they discuss their ideas with one another. 
  • This strategy helps students become active participants in learning and can include writing as a way of organizing thoughts generated from discussions.
Case Based Learning

This method is learner-centered with intense interaction between participants as they build their knowledge and work together as a group to examine the case

The instructor’s role is to facilitate the students collaboratively analyze and address problems and resolve questions

Interactive Learning

Interactive Learning is a hands-on, real-world approach to education ‘Inetractive learning actively engages the students in wrestling with the material

It reinvigorates the classroom for both students and faculty. Lectures are changed into discussion and students and teachers become partners in the journey of knowledge acquisition

Students strengthen their critical thinking and problem-solving skills using a much more holistic approach to learning

Teaching & Learning methodologies


Electrical Circuits Lab

Description: This lab is having circuit elements, Regulated power supplies, Bread boards, multi meters etc. used for verification of electrical concepts and designing of electrical circuits.

Outcome of the Lab: 

  • Use basic laboratory equipment and technology to measure electrical quantities using laboratory test equipment.
  • Able to explain the concept of circuit laws and network theorems.
  • Able to explain the concept of resonance, locus diagram.

List of Experiments

Control Systems Lab

Description: This lab provides students with hands-on experience with performance analysis of control system under different transient conditions, stability analysis of control system by using different techniques.

Outcome of the Lab: 

  • Will able to do various engineering projects.
  • Will be able to formulate transfer functions for given control system problems and finds time response of given control system model.
  • Will be able to design controller and compensator in control system.

List of Lab Experiments

Electrical Machines Lab

Description: This lab having all types of electrical machines used to conduct various performance tests for designing the electrical machines in the industries.

Outcome of the Lab: 

  • Interpret the constructional details of DC machine.
  • Estimate or test the performance of DC generator.
  • Analyze the performance of DC motors
  • Able to predetermine the efficiency and regulation of single-phase transformer        at given power factors and determine its equivalent circuit and to obtain the V and Inverted V curves of a three-phase synchronous motor
  • Able to obtain performance characteristics three-phase Induction motor
  • To predetermine the regulation of three–phase alternator by synchronous impedance method and Xd and Xq of a salient pole synchronous machine.

List of Lab Experiments

Electrical Measurements Lab

Description: This lab having all types of meters for measuring electrical quantities and used to calibrate the measuring instruments which is useful in electrical industries.

Outcome of the Lab: 

  • Calibrate and test single phase energy meter, calibrate PMMC voltmeter and calibrate LPF wattmeter
  • Measure resistance, inductance, capacitance, 3-Φ active power and reactive power.
  • Test current transformers, dielectric strength of oil, calibrate LVDT and resistance strain gauge.

List of Lab Experiments

Power Electronics Lab

Description: This lab having different semiconductor switches used to find the performance and designing of different power electronic converters.

Outcome of the Lab: 

  • Ability to design and conduct experiments and use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
  • Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
  • Ability to analyze the characteristics of power electronic devices and circuits.

List of Lab Experiments

Electrical Simulation Lab

Description: This lab is equipped with advanced computers in such a way that student get to realize about the theoretical concepts learned in the class room through various simulation softwares such as Matlab and PSPICE software.

Outcome of the Lab: 

  • Practical Knowledge on analysis of electrical circuits and power electronic circuits.
  • Practical Knowledge on stability analysis and of linear circuits and modeling of transmission lines.
  • Practical Knowledge on fault analysis, load flow and transient analysis of power system.

List of Lab Experiments




Syllabus communicates information about a specific course and defines expectations and responsibilities.

Course Structure

The course structure refers to the choice of topics and the organization and sequencing of course content.


Question Bank

Question bank is a planned library of test items designed to fulfil certain predetermined purposes.


Placements Information


Higher Education


Every year III B.Tech students go for internship programme in various public and private industries.


Research & Development


The Laboratories facilitate scholars carrying out their academic research (PhD, UG and PG students) by providing assistance for their research work.

Objectives :

1. To organize various workshops/ seminar on Writing of research articles, filing patents , writing books and improve the quality of publications
2. To prove awareness on collaborative research
3. Organize Conferences for providing platform to share knowledge in the recent trends



Roll of Honors

Toppers – Batch Wise

Contact Us

Dr.S.Chandra Sekhar

+91 9553122273

Mentor List


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