SWOT Analysis
A SWOT Analysis presentation conducted by MBA students & Mr.Ch.Raghavendarrao as Faculty coordinator. SWOT...
Poster Presentation
A poster presentation conducted by MBA students & Mr.N.Govrdhan Reddy as Faculty coordinator.It is a way to...
A MANAGEMENT BUSINESS QUIZ conducted by MBA students & Mr.G.Varma as Faculty coordinator. In this we conducted...
Anurag Fest 21-22
ASCARYA 2K22 "You may be out of our sight but never out of my mind" - These lines perfectly capture what we feel. Over...
Congratulations to the students selected in Pentagon Space Pvt Ltd.
The Management of Anurag Engineering College would like to congratulate the following students for being placed in...
Congratulations to the Students Selected in INFOSYS
The Management of Anurag Engineering College would like to congratulate the following students for being placed in...
Congratulations to the Students Selected in ACCENTURE
The Management of Anurag Engineering College would like to congratulate the following students for being placed in...
STTP on Python Based Machine Learning, Fundamentals to Application [Phase-II]
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Anurag Engineering College, Kodad is organizing an AICTE...
Congratulations to the TCS Selected Students
The Management of Anurag Engineering College would like to congratulate the following students for being placed in...
Congratulations to ECE Dept. for the Grant of STTP from AICTE
AICTE sanctioned an amount of Rs.3,02,667/- for the conduct of Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Python Based...
STTP on Python Based Machine Learning, Fundamentals to Application [Phase-I]
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Anurag Engineering College, Kodad is organizing an AICTE...
Congratulations to CSE Dept for the Grant of STTP from AICTE
AICTE sanctioned an amount of Rs.205000 for conduct of Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Recent Trends in...