The Department of ECE has organized its 4th National Level Technical Symposium Ascarya-2K16 in the month of...
Visit To Doordharshan Station
The III year B.Tech ECE students are visited Doordharshan Station, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad. This is with an objective...
Department of CSE has organized a one day workshop on OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING by Mr.NAVEEN from COIGN...
Programmable Devices and Xilnx
III year B.Tech students are benefited by this two day workshop, by updating their knowledge in knowing the latest...
Training In Latest Telecom Technologies
IV year B.Tech students are benefited by this Three day workshop, by updating their knowledge in knowing the latest...
Two day workshop on IDE based project development
Department of CSE has organized a Two day workshop on IDE based project development in java for CSE faculty members 0n...
A Seminar on Software Development Life Cycle
Department of CSE has organized a Seminar on Software Development Life Cycle on 2-1-2016.The resource person are...
Business Competition
Assign the students to groups and give them each a business type to manage. This type should be something in the lines...
Wavelet Fuzzy Based Transmission System Protection
Dr.G.Ravi Kumar Professor in EEE department in Bapatla Engg. College giving lecture on WAVELET FUZZY BASED...
Smart Grid Technology
D.M.Vinod Kumar professor in EEE department in NIT, warangal giving lecture on SMART GRID TECHNOLOGY on 21.02.2015 at...
Industrial Visit
The III and IV B.Tech students of CSE department have visited BSNL, Vijayawada as part of their industrial tour in...
The Department of CSE has organized its 4th National Level Technical Symposium AVIRBHAV-2016 in the month of...