The point of a Business Quiz is a fun and educative way to test your knowledge and teach you more about business which in turn makes you a better businessman/woman or entrepreneur. At the heart of your business success lays a successful strategy so; try out business quiz questions along with reading those heavy business books to enhance your knowledge.
A Business Quiz competition is a contest where participants are tested on their knowledge of various aspects of business. At the Trainee manager’s level, Quiz competitions are conducted to inculcate a sense of awareness and adaptability to holistic learning rather than emphasising only classroom-based learning methods. Students also tend to be more competitive to win the quizzes. This is activity main intend to observe current business market changes, growth and strategy planning and Competitive advantage among the business world.
This Business Quiz activity made one of the department academic calendar activity and organized for MBA students and coordinated by G. Varma, Associate Professor, MBA, ANRK.