Civil Engineering
Welcome to Civil Engineering
Highlights of the Department
- B.Tech (CE) Accredited by National Board of Accreditation
- Well qualified and experienced faculty.
- Department Library
- Civil department got as Organisation life member in Indian Concrete Institute
Programs Offered
- B.Tech (CE)
Intake – 30
About Department
- The Department of Civil Engineering was formed in 2009. The Department offers B.Tech. (CE) Programme. It is started with an intake 60 seats, in 2009. The Intake is increased to 120 seats in 2014. Department got NBA accreditation in 2017 for 3 years under Tier II.
- The department always strives to thrive for the student’s career to reach new heights.
- The department functions to make the Vision and Mission of the Institution come true. The Faculty and students of Department civil engineering understood the Vision and Mission of the Institute. To attain the Vision and Mission of the Institution, the faculty trains the students not only with oral lectures but also with Audio / Visual Teaching aids to make the students well acquainted with the concept.
- The students are given assignments, to understand the applications of a concept, soon a concept / Chapter / Unit is completed. A few projects carried out with a research paper publication initiative.
- Remedial classes are conducted for Academically Backward students.
- The department is always in the forefront to adopt new technology to meet the needs of Industry to provide better education for the students.
- The department has a departmental association called “CEBIDS” formed in the year 2014 under the association National Technical fest called “AADYA” is conducted in the month of Feb/March every year.
- The students of the department are allowed to participate in Intra and Intercollegiate level paper presentation, technical Quizzes and Project work competitions. They are also allowed to participate in literary competitions, cultural activities and Sports and Games to boost their social morals. The students brought laurels to the Department and to the college, in turn.
- Apart from the students, the faculty is encouraged to participate in Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, Faculty Development Programmes and Short Term Training Programs to improve their conceptual and teaching pedagogical skills and advancement in the career.
- To get rid of aggressive competition in industry for placements, along with the academics we foster and train the students in the field of communication and Soft Skills too.
- Manhattan Review, Monster College, are providing Campus Placements & Recruitment Training for UG and PG Students. Campus Recruitment Training (CRT) classes are conducted separately along with semester course work.
- Four CRT-classesare conducted by specially trained faculty from II year of B.Tech programme to Final Year B.Tech.
To impart knowledge, skill and excellence in civil engineering with a global perspective to enable the students as competent, qualitative & ethically strong engineers with an intuition to improve quality of life for the benefit of the society.
- To train the students in the civil engineering domain.
- To develop knowledge and skill to solve regional and global problems.
- To transform into qualitative and ethically strong professional engineers through research and Development.
Long Term Goals
- To establish a training, consultancy and testing centre in the department for interaction with local industries.
- To have collaborative programmes with reputed industries and laboratories.
- To establish the department as recognized and well-known research centre in different areas of Civil Engineering.
Short Term Goals
- To shape students as industry ready professionals.
- To encourage faculty members to get involved in research programmes leading to award of Doctorate Degree.
- To develop rapport with the professionals of the industries.
- To encourage faculty members to have interaction with industries.
Quality Policy
Head of the Department

B.Tech. M.Tech., (PhD).
Mr. S. Naresh is a distinguished civil engineer with a comprehensive educational and professional background. He completed his Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Civil Engineering from Universal College of Engineering and Technology in 2013 and went on to earn a Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Highway Engineering from Sree Dattha Institute of Engineering and Science in 2015. Currently, he is pursuing a Doctoral Degree in Civil and Structural Engineering at Annamalai University. He is an active member of several prestigious organizations including the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), International Association of Academic plus Corporate (IAAC), and International Association of Engineers (IAENG). His academic and research contributions are notable, with several articles published in reputable journals and multiple patents to his name. His research interests are particularly focused on innovative areas such as Geopolymer Concrete, Rubberized Concrete, and Bacterial Concrete. In addition to his research, He has extensive experience in consultancy, having worked on numerous projects in the private sector. He has also played a significant role in academia by organizing workshops and seminars, and by guiding undergraduate students on real-time projects. His professional qualifications are complemented by his certification in agile methodologies and his hands-on industrial experience, reflecting his broad expertise in both theoretical and practical.
Information Communication Technology (ICT) has the potential to transform the nature and process of teaching and learning environment / culture. Interactivity, flexibility, and convenience in an ICT supported environment enable both teachers and students to access and share ideas and information in diverse communication styles and formats. Class rooms are equipped with smart boards & LCD projectors to enhance ICT enabled teaching and learning.
Benefits with ICT enabled teaching:
- Improves student-teacher collaboration and interaction
- Encourages teachers to teach in real-time with audio and video lessons, visual multimedia & PPT presentations, 2D & 3D virtual space, etc.
- Paperless advantages
- Enhances Real-time blended teaching and learning methods
- Creates Web and Internet-based teaching and learning platform for teacher and students respectively
- Facilitates mobile integration facility.
- The implementation of ICT in OBE can effectively accomplish the goals of quality education which is a process that reduces consumption of resources and increases learning outcomes.
The Department Library occupies a unique place in academic and research activities of the Department. The Library maintains an excellent collection of data books, occasional papers and other documents/materials. The Library has a well equipped facility for reading. It also has one copy each of all B.Tech n & M.Tech projects carried out in the department in recent years. All these cater to the needs of students and faculty. Most of the books are of recent edition with the facility of issuing these for a specified time period. The library serves to provide a calm and comfortable ambience conductive to long hours of study. The library opens on all working days of the Institute from 9 AM to 4:30 PM.
Engineering Geology
Description: Engineering Geology Laboratory deals with Engineering Geology subject. It has variety of minerals, ores and rock specimen for students to study different types of rocks and minerals and their various identification properties. It helps in understanding the natural crystalline structure of rocks and minerals and gives an idea of the faults and folds which occur. And also find the detailed structure with the help of microscope.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Study the physical properties and identification of minerals.
- Describe and identify the rocks.
- Illustrate the Microscopic rocks.
- Interpret and draw the sections for geological maps.
- Solve the structural geological problems.
Surveying Lab
Description: To familiarize and make the students to obtain the knowledge of surveying equipment and measurement techniques with emphasis on levelling and traversing using chain, tape, levelling instruments and compass survey.
Outcome of the Lab: .
- Survey of an area using chains and tapes.
- Determine the area of land by using a compass.
- Evaluate the area of a given field of plane table
- Functioning of dumpy level and its applications.
- Determine the contour points and its importance
Strength of Materials Lab
Description: The strength of materials lab is to demonstrate the basic principles in the area of strength and mechanics of materials and structural analysis to the undergraduate students through a series of experiments. In this lab the experiments are performed to measure the properties of the materials such as impact strength, tensile strength, compressive strength, hardness, ductility etc.
Major Equipments of Strength of Materials Lab:- Universal testing machine, Torsion testing machine, Impact testing machine, Brinell/ Rockwell hardness testing machine, Spring testing machine etc.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Predict the behavior of materials under impact , hardness, tensile and compressive loads
- To determine elastic constants by flexural and torsion test.
- To determine the spring constants under various loadings.
- To understand the deflection of materials under bending.
- To understand basic material properties stress and strain.
Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines Lab
Description: The Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines laboratory is equipped with a number of equipment and experimental setups to study the fundamentals and applied aspects of fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines. The setups are used for calibration of flow measuring devices such as venturi meter, orifice meter, notches, water meter, rotameter etc used in channels and pipes and Losses in pipes by major and minor loss apparatus. Measurements of critical Performance parameters like efficiency, flow rate etc of various hydraulic machines such as turbines, pumps are also measured in this lab.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Examine the calibration of different flow meters.
- Illustrate flow measuring devices used in pipes, channels and tanks.
- Determine major and minor losses in pipes.
- Analyze the energy equation for problems on in pipes flow.
- Examine the performance characteristics of turbines and pumps.
Computer Aided Civil Engineering Drawing Lab
Description: Computer Aided Drafing of building laboratory is well-equipped computer lab with advanced facilities is established for the benefit of the civil engineering students. High end terminals supported by the latest hardware and software, latest visual aids, etc. are among them. Advanced civil engineering softwares are procured for making the students globally competitive and industry ready. By these laboratory students get professional training in 2D & 3D drafting of civil engineering drawings using the latest version of AutoCAD software. The student will learn computer aided design, layout and 3D solid modelling definition. Students will also gain the knowledge of design and drafting needs of the civil engineering discipline.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Assess the Software with aiding source.
- Draft the Plan and Elevation & Sectional views of the buildings.
- Develop the components of the building.
- Replicate the detailing of framed and Industrial structures.
- Interpret the isometric and orthogonal projection of buildings.
Geotechnical Engineering
Description: Geotechnical Engineering laboratory is used to study the properties of the soil conducted on different types of soils. These tests are done to find out the suitability of soil for the construction projects. Some soil properties are intrinsic to the composition of the soil matrix and are not affected by sample disturbance, while other properties depend on the structure of the soil as well as its composition, and can only be effectively tested on relatively undisturbed samples. Some soil tests measure direct properties of the soil, while others measure “index properties” which provide useful information about the soil without directly measuring the property desired. Each experiment of soil testing is presented with brief introduction covering the important details of the experiment, the theory and the purpose for which it is to be performed, followed by the detailed explanation of apparatus required, procedure and specimen calculations. These should enable students to perform the experiment and compute the results of experiments very easily.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Demonstrate the engineering properties the soil.
- Illustrate the field bulk and dry density of cohesive and cohesion less soils.
- Classify the Coarse grained soils based on sieve analysis test & grain size distribution curve.
- Compute the shear strength of cohesive and cohesion less soil
- Determine the permeability of coarse grained and fine grained soils.
Highway & Concrete Materials Lab
Description: Research in the area of civil engineering materials is concerned with improving the performance of construction materials over a wide variety of structural and environmental conditions. The primary emphasis in this division in on concrete & highway materials and here researchers encompass diversified efforts in cementitious, aggregates and bituminous materials.Lab provides facilities for tests in concrete and bitumionous material, as well as opportunities for research in construction material and their application to engineering problem.The laboratory serves a wide spectrum of activities covering those related to teaching, research, development and consultancy. The primary activities include experimental studies on different types of materials which are using in concrete and testing of concrete specimens.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Examine the experimental strength of aggregate materials as per codal
provisions. - Illustrate the stability & properties of bituminous materials & mixes by conducting tests.
- Determine the properties of cement by conducting the test.
- Define the workability of fresh concrete by conducting tests.
- Estimate the strength of hardened concrete by conducting destructive and non-destructive testing.
Environmental Engineering Lab
The Environmental Engineering laboratory practical provides good insight into different experimental methods relevant to Environmental Engineering. In this lab we perform various tests on drinker water and sewage samples to check pH value, total dissolved solids, BOD and COD, total suspended particles etc.
Outcome of the Lab:
- To determine standard limits of water by various experiments like alkalinity, acidity, pH etc.
- To determine of properties of water by conduction chlorides, nitrate etc.
- To determine of properties of sewage water by DO, Optimum dose of coagulant etc.
- Application of conductivity and total dissolved solids
- To determine of BOD,COD for different types of sewage water.
Computer Aided Design Lab
To familiarize and make the students to obtain the knowledge of design of various types of beams and frames with emphasis on staad pro software and design of footings and slabs using by software tools.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Analysis and design of different types of beams.
- Analysis and design of various types of trusses.
- Design and analysis of residential building due to various loads.
- To know the analysis and design of steel beams.
- Analysis and design of various RCC slabs and footings.
List of Experiments:
- Analysis & Design of determinate structures using a software
- Analysis & Design of fixed & continuous beams using a software
- Analysis & Design of plane frames
- Analysis & Design of space frames subjected to DL & LL
- Analysis & Design of residential building subjected to all loads (DL,LL,WL,EQL)
- Analysis & Design of Roof trusses
- Design and detailing of built-up steel beam
- Developing an excel template for foundation design
- Detailing of RCC beam and RCC slab
- Detailing of RCC column and RCC footing
Contact Us
Head of the Department