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Latest News / Events / Activities

One Day Workshop on “How to Build and Simulate Electrical Engineering Applications Using MATLAB”
Organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) Date of the Event : February 07, 2025...

One Day workshop on “EV Technology: Latest Trends and Future Prospects”
The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) conducted a One Day workshop on “EV...

Bathukamma Celebrations 2024
In line with the celebrations of the Telangana state festival "BATHUKAMMA", Anurag NSS Unit has organised the...

Industrial Visit to KTPS VII Stage-800MW (Kothagudem Thermal Power Station)
OBJECTIVES OF FIELD WORK: - To physically observe the Thermal Power Generation Components. To get some field knowledge...

National Level Tech Fest 2K24: EEE Department Highlights
Tech Fest – 2K24 conducted by EEE Department. As per the culture of Anurag Engineering college every academic year...

Graduation Day of EEE Batch 2020-24
Happy Graduation Day! Prayers and blessings on your graduation and for your future. Warmest congratulations on your...

Swachhta Pakhwada at Anurag Engineering College
The Swachh Pakhwada event at Anurag Engineering College on September 30th and October 1st, 2023....

Department of EEE organized, a one day National level technical fest VIDYOUTH-2K23 on April 1st 2023.In this event...

Industrial Visit to KTPS
On March 10th, 2023, 51 final-year students of the Electrical & Electronics Engineering department visited the...
Department of EEE organized, a one day National level technical fest VIDYOUTH-2K23 on April 1st 2023.In this event students of first year, second year, third year, final year and students of other colleges were participated. The program starts with the inaugural of principal, HOD and faculty members. Girls students take part in classical dance during the inaugural. Principal has given a valuable speech about the event and carrier scope for their bright future of students. As part of the event various technical and non technical competitions has taken place.
Technical events like PPT, QUIZ, JAM and Non technical events like Singing, Dancing, Traditional walk, Slow bike race, DP contest, PUBG, Housie etc. were conducted in the event. Students got prizes in various competitions. All the students performed dances and enjoyed in fest.
Every year national level technical fest named VID-YOUTH is conducted in the II semester. The number of participants is around 300-400 from various colleges.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has established the Department Association named as ELAN in the year 2009. Under this department association the fallowing activities are organized.
- Cultural Events
- Technical Events
- Workshops
- Seminars
- Discussion on current trends in Electrical Engineering
- Social Activities
Industry Interaction
On behalf of Electrical & Electronics Engineering department, students of final year EEE visited Kothagudem Thermal Power station on 10.03.2023.The students were monitored by one of our senior male and female faculty members. During the visit students has acquired practical knowledge on power plant working and operation, maintenance of electrical equipment’s etc.
Total no. of students visited : 51
Monitoring Faculties : 2
1. Mr K. Mahesh
2. Mrs Shanthi Nirmala