Mechanical Engineering
Welcome to Mechanical Engineering
Highlights of the Department
- All lab facilities of the department cater to the needs of practical courses pertaining to B.Tech. & M.Tech. Programs.
- Well equipped CAD/CAM Lab is with high end computes with all modeling and analysis software Ansys, ProE (CREO), NISA and AutoCAD.
- Accurate and Speed Manufacturing with CNC lathe and CNC milling Machines.
- In house projects to students of final year.
- Frequent Industrial visits
Programs Offered
- B.Tech (ME)
Intake – 30
About Department
- The Mechanical Department in Anurag Engineering College was established in 2004, with an intake of 60. Now the Department has experienced team of faculty, with an intake of 30 headed by Mr.K.Veeranjaneyulu M.Tech,(Ph.D) with 11 years experience. The Department has 11 labs which are fully equipped with the latest quality machinery, equipment, tools and instruments, to meet the requirements of JNTUH, AUTONOMOUS syllabus and AICTE Norms.
- The MACHINE DESIGN Laboratory has been set up. The MACHINE DESIGN laboratory is catering to the needs of students in such a way that they will not only have exposure to the areas of Computer Aided Analysis, ANYSIS, NISA, Pro-E and CAM etc, but also can do some projects. The Department library consists of 250 books available for faculty and students. The Department has taken up a lot of fabrication work for the institution over a period of time. The Department has been very active in organizing various programmes of general and academic interest.
- The Department is organizing “Mechanical Engineering Association” MECHNOMICZ.
- The main objective of Mechanical Engineering Association is to impart the technical and soft skills education and to develop the leadership qualities among the students of Mechanical Engg. Dept.
- The Association provides the forum to motivate the students for participating in various activities like Paper Presentation, Technical Quiz group discussion etc. As a beginning, Technical Quiz, Group Discussions and Seminars at Department level have been organized. Prizes have been distributed to the winners of the events.
- The department has well qualified and dedicated faculty members to provide proper guidance and good technical support to the students. The department of ME has a vision to become a centre of excellence in the field of Mechanical Engineering. All our faculty and students are dedicated to achieve this goal with great, enthusiasm and good ethical values.
To equip the Mechanical Engineering students with the best analytical skills in the state of the latest technologies and the best communication skills to meet the Mechanical Engineering manpower requirement both nationally and internationally to responds to the demands of the market which are dynamic in nature.
Producing Mechanical Engineers who are exceptionally competent, discipline and have a sense of devotion to their profession by adopting modern teaching techniques to give attention to all the students individually and encouraging development research consultancy and interaction with industries.
Long Term Goals
- To establish centre-of-excellence for research in Mechanical engineering.
- To take up sponsored projects from private and government organizations.
- To develop contemporary technology incubators at department level.
- To start Phd programs by getting recognition as Centre for Research.
- To have MOU with MNCs in India and abroad for R & D in core and thrust areas.
Short Term Goals
- To have an accreditation status for the Department.
- To achieve 100% academic performance of students using innovative and creative methods of teaching.
- To achieve 100% Campus placements for students.
- To ensure faculty and staff development for an effective teaching learning process.
Quality Policy
Head of the Department

Mr. K.Veeranjaneyulu
- Excellent infrastructure facilities including CAD/CAM Lab with CNC – XL Turn and CNC – Mill Machines.
- The e-classrooms with audio and video facilities.
- Fully furnished seminar hall with best quality audio and video facilities.
- Department library having more than 500 volumes with access to e-journals.
- Placements in best MNC’s & core companies.
- An R & D Laboratory called Centre for Mechanical Engineering Research.
- Well-equipped laboratories for MFHM, MT, HT, M&MOS, PT & Thermal Engineering lab, etc.
- One separate SOLIDWORKS lab established to give extensive training especially for placements.
- Industrial visits and internships in best core companies.
- Extensive training is given to all II, III and IV year students in SOLIDWORKS (Licensed Version) in addition to the regular curriculum.
Engineering Workshop
Description: Engineering Workshop is a place where students acquire knowledge on the operation of various processes involved in manufacturing and production. Workshop practice imparts basic knowledge of various tools and their use in different sections of manufacture such as fitting, black smithy, tin smithy, foundry, welding, carpentry, house wiring etc.
It provides the basic working knowledge of the production and properties of different materials used in the industry. It also explains the use of different tools, equipment, machinery and techniques of manufacturing, which ultimately facilitate shaping of these materials into various usable forms. The workshop supports teaching activities in engineering by providing demonstrations of trades and other manufacturing processes.
Outcome of the Lab: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
- Practice on manufacturing of components using workshop trades including Carpentry, Fitting, Tin-Smithy, Foundry, Welding Practice, House wiring and BlackSmithy.
- Apply basic electrical engineering knowledge for house wiring practice.
- Identify and apply suitable tools for different trades of engineering processes including Material removing, measuring and chiseling.
- Study and practice on Plumbing, Machine tools, Power tools, Wood working, Plastic Molding and their operations
- Learn how to analyze products and be able to improve their manufacturing Ability and make the cost effective.
Basic CAD Lab
Description: The BASIC CAD laboratory provides the computer knowledge on design and the skills on designing software. The students can draft the model in both 2D and 3D objects of the parts. The software like AUTOCAD is available for the students to practice on. The objective of the lab is to develop the designs of various mechanical components using 2D and 3D Software. This lab is available to graduate students in the fields of Computer Aided Design. The basic knowledge can be used for successful accomplishment of project works. The students can make use of advanced modules in the design software for their research work.
Outcome of the Lab:
- To get Practice on Draw and Modify Commands.
- To get practice on dimensioning commands.
- To get practice on Text commands.
- To get practice on Layers.
- Develop Engineering Orthographic and isometric views.
Metallurgy and Mechanics of Solids Lab
Metallurgy is the study of metals by Optical and Electron microscopes. Useful information can often be gained by examination with the naked eye of the surface of metal objects or polished and etched sections Microscopes are required for the examination of the microstructure of metals.
In the Solid Mechanics Lab, experiments are conducted on fundamental principles of solid mechanics, materials and dynamics. The experiment of Mechanics of solid provides broader practical approaches with high equipped lab instruments and set-up. The practical includes understanding of the properties of solid materials like tensile strength, compressive strength, hardness and impact value of different materials. This properties is understood by the equipment like hardness apparatus, Universal testing machine, izod impact appractus.Besides these, various experiments are conducted to explore other material behaviors like spring law, bending equations, understanding of various supports and their reaction on columns.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Analyze the behavior of the solid bodies subjected to various types of loading.
- Apply knowledge of materials and structural elements to the analysis of simple structures.
- Undertake problem identification, formulation and solution using a range of analytical methods.
- Analyze and interpret laboratory data relating to behavior of structures and the materials they are made of, and undertake associated laboratory work individually and in teams.
- Expectation and capacity to undertake lifelong learning.
Production Technology
Description: Production Technology lab has state of the art facilities for providing the hands on experience to the students. It is also providing wide scope to study the different welding techniques such as Oxy-acetylene welding, Spot welding and Arc welding. Plastic moulding techniques such as Blow and Injection moulding, Sand casting, Permeability test and pattern making machine like wood turning Lathe are provided.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Apply some of the manufacturing process directly in the industry for preparation of complicated jobs.
- At the end of the lab learn preparation of various joining processes.
- The student will be trained to implement similar features in preparation of jobs and can be extended to implement in the preparation of complicated jobs.
- At the end lab students should learn the strength of metals.
- Apply some of the plastic material manufactured product.
Mechanics of Fluids and Hydraulic Machines Lab
Description: Fluid Mechanics and hydraulic Machinery lab equipped with the Pelton turbine, Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine, centrifugal and reciprocating pump. The objective of this laboratory is to study the operating characteristics and the performance test on hydraulic machines and also The flow measuring equipment focus on the study and calibration of Orifice meter, Venturimeter and determination of Chezy’s constant and Darcy’s coefficient.
Outcome of the Lab: After completion of this course the students will be able to:
- Understand the basic concept of types of pumps and study their performance.
- Analyze the impact of fluid jets on the structure of vanes.
- Study the types of turbines and their overall efficiency.
- Study the losses in pipes due to different pipe fittings.
- Measure fluid flow rates using flow measuring devices.
Machine Tools and Metrology Lab
Description: Machine Tools laboratory is aimed at providing an introduction to the Know-how of common processes used in industries for manufacturing parts by removal of material in a controlled manner. Auxiliary methods for machining to desired accuracy and quality will also be covered. The emphasis throughout the laboratory course will be on understanding the basic features of the processes rather than details of constructions of machines, or common practices in manufacturing or acquiring skill in the operation of machines. Evidently, acquaintance with the machine is desirable and the laboratory sessions will provide adequate opportunity for this.
Metrology, the science of measurement, helps manufacturers to attain the proper fit and finish for their products. It embraces both experimental and theoretical measurements and determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology. It also generates knowledge and skill in use of precision instruments and it gives a basic understanding of various instruments used in linear and angular measurements and it gives a basic understanding of the usage of tool maker’s microscope.
Outcome of the Lab: At the end of this course the student will be able to
- Get knowledge on hand tools, equipment and machines.
- Get knowledge on the mechanisms of all the machine tools.
- Get Practical exposure on milling, grinding and slotter operations.
- Get knowledge procedure for setting the given object to a required angle using sine bar.
- Use different measuring instruments towards quality control.
Thermal Engineering
Description:.Thermal engineering laboratory provides knowledge on various engine components, cut section model and experimental facility of IC engines by varying the fuel, number of cylinders at different loading conditions. This laboratory is mainly providing the experimental knowledge on internal combustion theory and analyzing the performance of internal combustion engines.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Measure the thermal properties of different fuels.
- Analyze the properties of various fuels and emission standards
- Determine the efficiency of compressor and blower.
- Analyze the performance and determine the operating characteristics of I.C engines [2-stroke, 4-stroke, petrol, diesel] using rope brake, hydraulic and electrical dynamometers.
- Draw the valve and port timing diagrams of two and four stroke engines.
Heat Transfer
Description: Heat Transfer laboratory provides basic and heat energy processing industrial knowledge about heat exchangers, modes of heat transfer, like conduction, convection and radiation, refrigeration systems and their applications.
Outcome of the Lab: At the end of the lab sessions, the student will be able to
- Perform steady state conduction experiments to estimate thermal conductivity of different materials.
- Perform transient heat conduction experiments.
- Estimate heat transfer coefficients in forced convection, free convection, condensation and correlate with theoretical values.
- Obtain variation of temperature along the length of the pin fin under forced and free convection.
- Perform radiation experiments: Determine surface emissivity of a test plate and Stefan- Boltzmann’s constant and compare with theoretical value.
Description: The CAD/CAM laboratory provides the computer knowledge on design and the skills on designing software. The students can draft the model in both 2D and 3D objects and analysis of the parts can be carried out. The software like AUTOCAD, CREO, SOLIDWORKS, MASTERCAM, ANSYS are available for the students to practice on. The objective of the lab is to develop the designs of various mechanical components using 2D and 3D Software. This lab is available to graduate the students in the fields of Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing. The basic knowledge can be used for successful accomplishment of project works. The students can make use of advanced modules in the design software for their research work. For the design part students generate NC programs with different CAM software packages. Students simulate the program for validation. Also the CNC machines available in the laboratory can be utilized for advanced manufacturing research.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Ability to develop 2D and 3D models using modeling software.
- Modeling of simple machine parts and assemblies from the part drawing using Standard CAD packages.
- Ability to understand the basic principles of different types of analysis.
- Ability to understand CNC control in modern manufacturing system.
- Ability to prepare CNC part programming and perform manufacturing.
Production Drawing Practice and Instrumentation Lab
Description: A production drawing, also referred to as working drawing, should furnish all the dimensions, Limits and special finishing processes such as heat treatment, honing, lapping, and surface finish, etc., to guide the craftsman on the shop floor in producing the component.
The primary object of the Instrumentation Lab is to introduce and to educate electronic instrumentation systems in a manner sufficiently complete that the students will acquire proper knowledge and the idea about the transducers and their applications to measure mechanical and terminal quantities. The mechanical quantities include strain, force, pressure torque displacement, acceleration, frequency, etc. The terminal quantities include temperature and heat flux. It is understood that the students will have a conceptual understanding of these quantities through exposure to mechanics or physics courses, such as static’s dynamics, strength of materials or thermodynamics. The students experience in actually measuring these quantities by conducting experiments, however, will usually be quite limited. It is an objective of this tutor to introduce methods commonly employed in such measurements and the usage of such electrical components such as capacitance, resistance, inductance, intensity, etc.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Draw and understand about the conventional representations of Materials, Screws, Welded joints, springs, gears, and electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic circuits.
- Draw and understand about the form and positional tolerances used in engineering drawing.
- Draw and understand about the drawings of parts from assembly drawings.
- To identify various elements and their purpose in typical instruments,
- Able to perceive expertise on various calibration methods and measuring instruments for various
Dynamics & Analysis of Structures Lab
Description: Dynamics of structures is a concept of structural which deals with the behavior of structures subjected to dynamic loadings like spring, torsion and balancing. Any structure can be subjected to dynamic loading. Dynamic analysis can be used to find dynamic displacements, time history and for model analysis. In this laboratory, the student can perform tests on different types of structures for different types of loads. These conditions and/or constraints are designed to reinforce classroom theory, by performing required tests in this lab, analyze subsequent data, and compare the results with theory. For results, graphs and tables are generated after completion of the computing experiment. This lab covers all the procedure steps and required technologies to perform an end-to-end design assessment in each module. While designing the multi-storey structures, this lab is helpful to the engineers to get an idea about vibration/response of structures under dynamic excitations. It is very much useful for students to understand the concepts of Structural dynamics.
Outcome of the Lab:
- To understand and determination of damped natural frequency of vibration of the Vibrating system.
- To determine the study of angular velocity of precession and representation of vectors.
- To determine the Static and Dynamic Balancing of rotating masses.
- To know and understand about static analysis using FEA Packages.
- To know and understand about Dynamic analysis using FEA Packages
Computer Aided Testing and Modeling Laboratory
Description: Computer-aided testing application of computers to control either analog or digital test techniques in order to evaluate the quality of components and products. Computer-aided testing is used to check that the component parts, subassemblies, and full systems are within specified tolerances and also perform up to specification. CAD is mainly used for detailed engineering of 3D models or 2D drawings of physical components, but it is also used throughout the engineering process from conceptual design.
Outcomes of the Lab:
- To know and study the microstructure for ferrous, non-ferrous and its analysis.
- To know and modeling of surface, solid drafting and assembling systems.
- To analyze the various structures by using FEA packages.
- Ability to develop 2D and 3D models using modeling software.
- Ability to check the mechanical components.
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Head of the Department