Notification for II M.B.A. II Semester (R16/R15) Regular / Supplementary Examinations, Jul-2018
R16 R15 II MBA II Reg Suppl NotificationDownload
Notification for I M.Tech I Semester (R15/R14) Supplementary Examinations, Jul-2018
R15 R14 I M.Tech I SupplDownload
Notification for I M.Tech II Semester (R15/R14) Regular / Supplementary Examinations, Jul-2018
R15 R14 I M.Tech II Reg SupplDownload
Notification for IV B.Tech II Semester (R14) Advanced Supplementary Examinations, May-2018
IV B.Tech II Adv Suppl NotificationDownload
Notification for I B.Tech II Semester (R15/R14) Examinations, Jun-2018
I B.Tech June 2018 NotificationDownload
Notification for II B.Tech II Semester (R15/R14) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, Mar/Apr-2018
II B.Tech AprMay 2018 NotificationDownload
Notification for IV B.Tech II and I Semester (R14) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, Mar/Apr-2018
VI B.Tech MarApr 2018 NotificationDownload
Notification for III B.Tech II and I Semester (R15/R14) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, Mar/Apr-2018.
III B.Tech MarApr 2018 NotificationDownload
Notification for II-MBA II-Semester (R15) Supplementary Examinations, Jan/Feb-2018
R15 II-MBA II-Sem Supply ExaminationsDownload
Notification for II-MBA I-Semester (R16) Regular & II-MBA I-Semester (R15) Supplementary Examaminations, Jan/Feb-2018
R16 II-MBA I-Sem Reg & R15 II-MBA I-Sem Supply ExamDownload