Group Discussion or GD is a type of discussion that involves people sharing ideas or activities. People in the group discussion are connected with one basic idea. Based on that idea, everyone in the group represents his/her perspective.. GD is a discussion that tests the candidate’s skills, such as leadership skills, communication skills, social skills and behaviour, politeness, teamwork, listening ability, General awareness, confidence, problem-solving skills, etc.
Students are shared their valuable insights regarding GD topics.
- Is MBA necessary to be Successful in Business
- G 20 summit help to India or not
- Chat GPT useful or not pros and cons
- Mobile should ban in Educational institutions
- Technology impact on life
- Covid-19 Impact on Life Style
- Free bus facility for women in Public transport
- Raising the age of marriage for women from 18 to 21 years- Pros & Cons
- Is Customer influencing the business or Business influencing the Customer?
GD is a Department calendar activity and conducted for MBA students and organized by MBA Department, Faculty Co-Ordinator of the event is Mr.Ch.Raghavendar Rao, Assoc.Professor, Anurag Engineering College, MBA Department, Kodad.