The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IETE Student Chapter Organized “A Three-Day Workshop on Embedded System Design using Raspberry Pi”. The workshop was conducted by PROTECTIVE Technologies Pvt Ltd, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, on 02-03-2023 to 04-03-2023. All the students of IV B.Tech ECE participated in the workshop and enhanced their awareness.
The Program begun at 9.30 Am with a welcome note by Dr. I. Veeraraghava Rao, Professor, ECE who welcomed all the dignitaries and the resource person, Mr.V. Govinda Rao, Director, Protective Technologies Pvt Ltd, Dr. M.V Siva Prasad, Principal, Dr. V. Naga Pavan, COE, Dr. V. Srinivasa Rao, HOD, ECE & Other Department HOD’s, teaching & non-teaching staff, students participated in the Workshop.
Objective of the Event: The main objective of this workshop is to demonstrate the hardware and software portion of Raspberry PI, which is a powerful little beast and a great platform for building low-cost, but highly capable, embedded systems. The interfaces built into its GPIO connector make it easy to bolt on modules using simple low-cost electronics and a bit of configuration to create very functional and flexible systems. This workshop provides details about what exactly Raspberry Pi is, what hardware and software are included, how to write the first program for it and how to get it to interact with a web service on the Internet, Apart from gaining practical skills on the Embedded System Design and Internet of Things.
This workshop intended to familiarize the students with the Raspberry Pi and Arduino as processors and their applications. The resource persons for the Arduino session were Mr.V. Govinda Rao. Mr.S. Govinda Rao, Mr. S. Sambasivarao and Ch. Kishore. During this session, the students were given an insight into Introduction to Embedded C and Open Source platform system tools, Interfacing of I/O devices, LEDs, Switch, Buzzer. The students were also taught about Interfacing of Display Devices, ADC and DAC. The resource persons for the Raspberry Pi session was Mr. P Kanakaraj, during this session, the students were given an insight into Introduction to R-Pi, Python basics, Software installation, Introduction to IoT, Interfacing of I/O devices, LEDs, Switch, Buzzer and camera interfacing. The students were also taught OpenCV based object detection and developing games using python on R-Pi board. This session concluded with an overview of ESD and execution of some Embedded System Design based applications.
Outcome of the Event: Students can create interesting applications with basic programming languages. This workshop trained the students to start with Raspberry Pi board and small develops applications. Enable students to become familiar with the VI editor.
Vote of Thanks: Program ended with a closing note to students with a brief note on Embedded System Design using Raspberry PI and its activities in the skilling and upskilling of professionals. During the valedictory function, students expressed their views and gave feedback about the workshop. Mr. Fareed Ahamad MD, Assistant Professor in ECE Department, proposed the vote of thanks. Ms. Kalyani, student of IV B.Tech ECE, compered the program.